Remember September 11
Headline: Bananas Have Telepathic Powers, Insist Japanese Meta-physicists. – Albanian Brain Boffs Offer Undeniable Proof.

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The Unicorn

      The mighty Unicorn..
        Appears suddenly in my bedroom..
        Stirring me from my drab dreams..
          Based on my drab life..

      And I am.. special..

        To see this Unicorn.

      Strong, majestic proud vision

        White coat glowing..
          From an inner power..
            I long for.

      And this Unicorn

        This "mythical beast"
        Spies me through his coal eye
          Unblinking, unemotional
        And bows slightly
          To the wide-eyed figure

      And in one tremendous surge

        the Unicorn rears up..

      And gets its horn stuck in my ceiling.

    BoingDragon - 9/8/90

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